Valnir Abilities & Skills (Levelsystem)- Survival Online Roleplaying Game
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Multiplayer Online
Survival Roleplaying Game

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Abilities & Skills (Levelsystem)

Who do you want to be? Are you a craftsman or even a godi?

Do you want to become a valuable member of a clan?

Check out the profession abilities and skills by the gods.

Profession Abilities

Become an apprentice as carpenter, skinner, forger, builder, godi or tailor. If you train hard you will be a master sometime. And if you are favored by the gods you will even become a grand master and will be able to craft blessed weapons.

Quests will support you to learn and skill in the future.

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Skills by the Gods

If a god favors you, you can achieve some mighty skills.

You can for example improve stamina, health, reduce crafting times.

More skills will come as the game evolves.