Valnir Crafting, Loot and Items- Survival Online Roleplaying Game
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Valnir: Crafting, Loot & Items

You can find ingredients in Mother Nature, in crates or on NPCs.

Produce what you need.

Produce for others and serve as a craftsman.

Crafting and Trade

The Crafting-System is a basic function of the game. It allows players to concoct medicine and make tools or simple weapons with the resources they have collected.

Experimenting with the system is the key to success, as there are only a few predetermined recipes available. Not all resources can be combined with each other, so it takes time, patience and common sense to figure out new recipes and activate them.

Valnir offers players numerous possibilities to collect resources. For instance, players can collect herbs, cut down trees, quarry stone and mine iron ore.

Every player can learn a craft, such as that of a weapon smith, an armament smith, a farmer or healer, and thus can become a valuable and important member of a clan.

Craftsmen can build items for other players and in doing so earn money. The craftsman decides whether he will provide the necessary ingredients for the items, or if he obtains them from the other player.

Each craft has several skill levels which must be achieved. Master Craftsmen can produce special items.


Loot comprises objects dropped by killed NPCs or other players. It is also placed in chests distributed randomly across the island and can be taken by anyone.

Different sorts of loot are available: weapons, armour, money, forging materials, food, antiques, etc. All items that were created by players, that are carried by players, and that have been stored somewhere on Valnir Island, can be looted.


Players have the option to hide items by storing them in chests. These items are only retrievable by the players themselves, because only they know the location of the chests. However, it is also possible that another player may stumble across a chest.

The player can also place a chest inside his house. The chest is then protected for as long as the house stands.